Série Milagres de Cristo - 1 Temporada - 1 Episódio
First miracle of Jesus Christ, message based on John 2:1-12 with the title “The wedding of Cana. Water became wine.”
John 2:1-12 tells the story of Jesus' first miracle recorded in the Gospels. Jesus, his mother and his disciples were invited to a wedding in Cana. During the party, the wine ran out and Mary asked Jesus to help. Jesus initially responded that it was not his time yet, but Mary told the servants to do whatever he asked.
Jesus then asked the servants to fill six jars with water, and then turned the water into wine. The wine was of high quality, and the master of ceremonies praised the groom for saving the best wine for the end of the party. This miracle was one of the ways Jesus showed his divinity to his disciples and those who followed him.
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Video Duration: 36 min. 49 sec.
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